
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

August 1, 2008: Chemo Cocktails

Chemo Cocktails

Current mood:nauseated

I really worked myself up for this whole chemo journey. I didn't know what to expect. Would it hurt? What would it feel like racing through my veins? Was I gonna throw up? Well, I made it through the first day, and it really wasn't that bad.

First of all, I had a great nurse. She was filipino...imagine that! A filipino nurse! She was so gentle. I hate needles and I was sure glad she was careful. I did cry when it went in, but just cuz I THOUGHT it was gonna hurt, not cuz it did. i was already woozy from the drug they gave me earlier to prevent allergic reactions, so when the IV started I was well on my way to happy town.

The first "cocktail" was pretty heavy duty. It was administered slowly at first to gauge my tolerance, but still took 3 hours to finish. Aside from the expected burning of the poison going into my veins there was also a weird icy feeling. As the cocktail was going in my body, I could really feel it hitting my brain and it made my body buzz all over. My heart felt like it skipped a couple times which set off the alarm, but I guess it was ok, I'm still here right? The last medication only took an hour. I was there for 4 hours!

I really didn't feel anything noticeably different that night, or the day after. I was real thirsty, I couldn't get enough water to quench me, I wasn't nauseous....I just felt weird. Like I was stoned or something. I just sat around and did sodoku. Then the earthquake...I thought I was gonna get sick from the rolling around...

Well here it is 4 days after my first chemo day and I am starting to notice a few things. Last night my legs were killing me. The pain in my bones kept me up the whole night. Another thing I've noticed is I can't taste anything. I guess this is when things will start getting weird huh? Now I'm also starting to feel a little nausea. Especially when I smell the neighbors cooking. Smells like dog.

check in on me to see how I'm doing.....I'll keep in touch! Gonna throw up now....

My son was my strength, he was with me for every chemo treatment

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