I Want My LIfe Back
Current mood:
I don't remember the last time I got full nights sleep. I'm on so much med's right now I don't know if I'm dreaming. Seems like the only way I can get to sleep is if I pass out from drinking, that can't be healthy. So I'll keep taking the pills.The doctor says it's a side effect from the hormone blockers I have to take to prevent the cancer from coming back. It's called Tamoxifen. I need to take it every day for 5 years!!!!
I wish I was a bird so I could just go anywhere I wanted. Away from this place. Away and out of my body. I'm so tired of all this crap. Tired of looking at myself in the mirror. Seeing that ugly face looking back at me! Tired of this mess of a house. I'm tired of being hottt!!! I just want my life back. I want to feel normal again. I want to do what I used to do, and just not worry about shit.
Yeah, I know I'm sounding low. I guess occassional depression is a side effect too. I'll be okay....I got pill for that too. I just want to be back to when I didn't have to take a whole bunch of med's and didn't have to worry if the cancer was coming back.
Ughh. I just want to fly away...I want my life back